Ensuring Your Data’s Fort Knox: GSB LPO’s Security Measures

At GSB LPO Services, safeguarding your data and maintaining confidentiality isn’t just a priority—it’s our pledge.

Our processes, systems, and management ensure that client’s data, intellectual property, and vital information are used in a secure environment.

We follow stringent processes of security for the storage, usage, transfer, retrieval, and, deletion of client data. We ensure that all of our employees are properly screened and that every employee takes security and confidentiality seriously.

Personnel: Gatekeepers of Confidentiality

  • Photo ID Checks:Identity verification ensures that only authorized personnel access sensitive information.
  • Restricted Access:Our team operates within a controlled digital environment, limiting internet, email, and media drive access.
  • Non-Disclosure Commitment:Every employee is bound by strict non-disclosure agreements, guaranteeing confidentiality.

Vigilant Oversight:Proactive measures to prevent theft, misuse, or disclosure of personal data.

Digital Defenses: Guarding Your Online Assets

  • Secure Network Infrastructure:Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, we employ firewalls, sonic walls, and advanced access controls.
  • Encrypted Transfers:Data transmission follows highly secure protocols, shielding your information from interception.
  • Password Protocols:Rigorous standards ensure passwords remain a robust line of defense.
  • Disaster-Proof Backups:Our robust backup system ensures data remains uncorrupted, even in the face of disaster.

Certified Security Standards:Our information security management system adheres to industry-leading standards.

Cost-Effective Security: Your Shield Without Breaking the Bank

  • Unbeatable Rates:Enjoy significant cost reductions (50%-75%) compared to US/UK rates, without compromising on quality.
  • Efficiency Amplified:Our project management expertise maximizes cost savings and operational efficiencies.
  • Tailored Billing:Flexible billing models tailored to suit your project’s needs.

To obtain more information about our state-of-the-art security, Contact Us.