Tasks You Can Outsource to a Paralegal Outsourcing Firm

Paralegal Outsourcing Firm

As of January 2024, there are around 50 million pending cases in the courts. The numbers are staggering but true because considering the number of cases, the number of lawyers isn’t as much as you would think. Currently, there are roughly 1.5 million lawyers/advocates in India, and owing to our nation’s population that isn’t enough. 

Everyone with a law firm has once or more than once felt that keeping up with the workload is unreally daunting. Every now and then lawyers tend to ask themselves “What kind of tasks can I hand off to paralegal outsourcing services?” and if you are one of them, the answer might surprise you. 

Outsourcing isn’t always about offloading tedious work; it can also be a way to streamline your legal operations while maintaining quality. So, without further ado, let us walk you through the tasks you can outsource to an LPO in India

#1 Documenting and Legal Research

Most lawyers spend hours, weeks and days working on mountains of paperwork and conducting in-depth legal research. From preparing pleadings, motions and briefs to researching case law, regulations and legal precedents, you can outsource all of these tasks confidently to a firm handling legal process outsourcing or LPO in India. This can save hours of your in-house team’s time and ensure that the documents are professionally prepared, while you handle the actual courtroom shenanigans. 

#2 Litigation Support

Litigation is no cakewalk and at times it can be demanding beyond comprehension. However, outsourcing litigation tasks to a paralegal can help to support your team. From organizing and managing case files to preparing exhibits, assisting in depositions and drafting discovery documents, a paralegal can handle the accessory tasks, so your law firm can focus on core legal strategies. 

#3 Effective assistance and management of filings and daily calendar

Ensuring that court filings are submitted correctly and on time is critical for any law firm. Paralegal outsourcing firms are well-versed in local, state, and federal court procedures. They can handle everything from preparing and submitting court documents to managing your firm’s court calendar, ensuring that no deadlines are missed.

This isn’t all, a paralegal can also handle demand letter preparation, medical chronologies and timelines,medical indexing and KLB evaluation, bankruptcy petition management and contract document review and management. Looking for paralegal outsourcing services that can handle the heavy lifting for you? Reach out to the team of professionals at GSB LPO India Services today!