Why Should I Outsource Personal Injury Claims To India?

Personal Injury Claims are the legal disputes borne as a result of the physical injury or any mental anguish caused through the actions or negligence of the other party.

Usually the insurance company of the accused pays money to the injured party for relevant medical bills pain, anguish, sufferings and other ongoing medical and traumatic expenses. There are many ways through which personal injury can occur, such as:

A litigation involving personal injury is a complex and a fast tracked one, leaving absolutely no room for error. Concurrently, a notable amount of time for investigation & evidence collection has passed by at the time a personal injury litigation is initiated. Due to which, advocates are expected to tread on a very thin and a fast-paced line where each case is different from the other. The attorneys or the law firms have to scour to the heaps of files and paperwork in order to find a single and yet highly important bit of information relevant to the case. Millions of personal injury cases are reviewed every year, applying a lot of burden on the law practitioners. This in turn, creates a trench in their capacity to report quality work.

Contractually shifting legal processes to a third-party law firm has presented itself as a blessing in disguise to many major and small law firm businesses.

It is because of outsourcing services that law firms and advocates can divert their attention to more substantiated matters and delegate miscellaneous and documentation work to the outsourcing companies.

Why should personal injury claims be outsourced?

Alot of developed countries have been outsourcing their personal injury claims to developing countries such as India as it is easily approachable as well as cost efficient among other reasons.

GSB LPO is a one-stop shop service providing legal assistance to various foreign law firms. We provide comprehensive and continuous engagement by actively participating at different stages of personal injury litigation.

Why Choose GSB LPO Services to cater to your Personal Injury Outsourcing needs?

GSB LPO have been working in the LPO sector since 2007. We as a law office understand the needs and requirements of the international clients and are capable enough to cater to them. GSB LPO believes in quality work and has never failed to achieve the high standards promoted by them. Below mentioned are some of the reasons why most firms prefer GSB LPO services. –

  1. Cost Effectiveness: GSB LPO offers various budget plans readily available and special plans can also be created as per the needs and requirements of the law firm for personal injury litigation. Also, since the cost gap between India and other developed countries is unimaginably high, it makes the pricing even cheaper for the international companies.
  2. Comprehensive Services: One of the primary reasons why you should outsource the personal injury services to India is that you can have all the processes taken care of at one location and sidestep the hassles of micromanagement. Personal injury services encapsulate a long list of tasks and processes. GSB LPO professionals are trained on all the aspects of personal injury claims. This is why we are capable of handling all requests effectively.
  3. Transparency & Timely Communication: We are a firm believer that when a work is provided to us, we fulfil it with great enthusiasm, dedication and honesty. Transparency is one of the core values of our office. Also, our offices are easy to approach and can be easily contacted through phone call or mail. Our contact services work 24×7 and can be contacted at any point of time.
  4. Mitigation of Burden: GSB LPO services offer complete support to the attorneys and law firms. Legal counsellors, attorneys, and law firms are inundated with hundreds of personal injury and other cases on a daily basis. As a result, the files get stockpiled and it becomes extremely difficult to resolve all the cases in a timely manner. By outsourcing the personal injury services to us, the attorneys and law firms can transfer the burden and ensure faster resolution to the cases. With the major groundwork of the personal injury cases done, you can focus on the more important aspects of it.
  5. Due diligence: Our team works with great enthusiasm and dedication on each and every case. Before diving full swing into the work, our associates make sure that all kinds of due diligence have been done by our office regarding the work given to us. We make sure that the client understands what kind of outsourcing work we do and what are our capabilities and also create emphasis on the needs and requirements of the client and what kind of work they expect from us.
  6. Skilled Team: The associates at GSB LPO are well stocked with comprehensive knowledge and legal conditions for personal injury litigation. Apart from outsourcing work, we also provide advice and strategies on the matters of personal injury litigation.
  7. Client Protection: We understand that as a business the most important asset of your institution is document safety and confidentiality. We perceive that it is our responsibility to protect the client from any legal breach and not neglect any aspect of our duty towards you. We can assure you that we do not accept any breach in our environment and in case of a bigger project, we increase this security manifolds.

What is the personal injury litigation support process followed by GSB LPO services?

Gathering All Details:The first step of the support process is to gather all information possible about the client as per the needs and requirements. Our associates get in contact with the client and get details about the case such as case examination information, follow up checkups, any diagnostic tests performed, medical procedures followed, any surgery, all prescriptions issued, any pre-existing conditions, all medical related expenses incurred, documents regarding insurances, injuries suffered, the damages etc. Once, all the information has been collected, we move to the next step.

Assessment: In this step, all the relevant information is extracted from the case information and the areas to be worked upon are identified. It is examined how the accident has affected the client. This step involves assessing the relevant evidences which led to the injury such as photographs, recordings and medical records.

Consultation: The third step involves consultation with the client firm, where all the dynamics are laid down, relevant strategies are created and as per the work flow requirements, a timeline for completion of the work is set, lawyers and paralegals are assigned to the case.

Assigning Relevant Team: Once the lawyers are assigned the case, they take full charge of the particular case and supports the client with all possible legal recourse. They connect with the client recurrently to discuss about various aspects, the timeline, the strategy and our approach towards the case. Various tools such as indexing and hyperlinking are also used to organize the data efficiently for easy understanding of the client. Our research analysis and paralegals work in full force behind the lawyers in all necessary research work related to the case.

Submission:  All the required documents and support service by GSB LPO is then reviewed by our expert team for final touches & sent to the client for approval or any necessary changes. This process is repeated until client’s full satisfaction isn’t achieved.

Client Preparation: Our team members help the client in every way possible. We prepare a work in such a way that it is easily understandable by the client, in case some things are unclear about the work or its presentation, we are always an email away to answer any questions. We take client satisfaction as our priority and our work only gets finished when the client gives us the green light of their satisfaction.

What services are provided by GSB LPO under Personal Litigation Claims?

Personal injury services by GSB LPO Services include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Summarization of the medical documents, brief depositions, cases cited in the opposing party’s brief, etc.
  • Obtaining various records, such as criminal records of the parties involved, etc.
  • Draft petitions such as demand letter, memorandum, etc.
  • Legal research and memos
  • Petition and Discovery
  • Use of modern software programs such as Needles, etc.
  • Setting of Motions Pleadings Discovery, including subpoenas, RFPs, RROGS, and RFAs; discovery responses and pleadings like motions to compel/ quash/ protective order etc.
  • Document review
  • Leases; wills &trusts; powers of attorney
  • Agreements & legal articles
  • Demand letters and other correspondence
  • Corporate documents like operating agreements, by-laws, and corporate resolutions, etc.

Relevant Information that we require from you

  1. Patient’s Examination History
  2. Background of the case
  3. All relevant medical records
  4. Relevant Opposing Party’s Documents
  5. Medical related expenses
  6. All diagnostic tests

Contact Us For More Information

It is our pleasure to introduce the office of GSB LPO, which is one of the leading legal outsourcing service providers in India. For us, No legal job is big or small. Every dynamic business requires complex situation solutions and for that reason, our team consists of highly qualified and experienced professionals from the legal, medical, and IT domain. Our team demonstrates the best of its abilities to ensure no stones are left unturned in delivering success to our clients. You can reach out to us through a normal phone call, email us or visit our website. https://gsblposervices.com